We quantify and predict the impact
of policy and investment decisions.

Nigel Griswold


Nigel Griswold is a proven leader, economist, and tech entrepreneur known for quantifying and predicting the economic impact of public policy. He operates with the understanding that data-informed investments from government institutions play a critical role in developing our economy, culture, and communities. To date the most influential accomplishment of Griswold’s career has been to build technology that objectively and rigorously calculates public policy performance.

As the VC-backed Co-Founder and CEO of GovTech firm Dynamo Metrics, Inc., Griswold built a team and culture of highly-committed top talent in engineering, marketing, sales, and customer support. Growth in the sophistication and reputation of its core technology, Neighborhood Intel™, ultimately attracted Munetrix, a national GovTech firm, as a merger partner in late 2021.

Throughout his career Nigel has focused on three core beliefs:
• Good data is critical to sound policy decisions;
• Government will do good for the people when it has the information & resources it needs; and
• A healthy culture means everything to the success of institutions.

As macro-economic shifts drive demand for the open, affordable, and resilient Midwest economy, Griswold has doubled-down on his commitment to building the case for revitalizing urban centers in the Great Lakes region.

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Nigel Griswold, Economist and Policy Consultant

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  • “Nigel’s unique expertise in land bank impact measurement, operations, and policy strategy has been nothing short of transformative during our work together at the South Suburban Land Bank in Cook County, Illinois.”

    Joseph Van Dyk, Executive Director,
    South Suburban Land Bank & Development Authority